

The past 48 hours have been very intense. I feel the need to write about and get some of it out. I've been by myself at the house, dwelling on things. I enjoy alone time, and I think everyone should have some alone time to just gather their thoughts and learn to appreciate the finer things in life.

I find it to be very theraputic.

My mind never stops churning out ideas, random things, and uncontrollable thoughts and sometimes it becomes obsessed over certain things that I can't really explain or control. I can't turn it off and it's a curse at times when I'm trying to fall asleep. Maybe I need medicene, at least that's what the majority has told me, but from very bad past experiences with medications and the fact that most of them make me feel like a zombie, I just don't like taking any type of oral medication. I know some people really need to be on some sort of medication to relieve them of certain issues they face but to me, I feel it's all overrated. I honestly believe that everyone's body is different and processes things differently, just like our brains process opinions. My body is not fond of medications but then again, maybe I haven't found the right ones for me.

I like creativity for my therapy, music, art, writing, and talking. Silence, deep thought and nature also makes me feel better. Actually, all of the above feels good to me, and makes me feel whole and worthwhile as a human being. I also like listening to others and talking about their problems in life. I've always felt I could talk to anyone and relate to them in some way. Isn't that what we all want, attention and that underlying sensation of being able to relate and feel wanted, needed?


Anonymous said...

luv luv luv your music!
i hope ro can some how hear it~

peace and happy smiles


Jyn said...

She will when the timing is right. She actually may already have, who knows.