
In Bloom

It's been awhile, sit back and relax and relieve your mind. There's a boatload of stuff going on around here, it's almost too much to handle at the moment but I'm hangin' in there like a champ.

Where to start, where to start....
First off, I'm so happy that spring is here, it's a new me, a new time, a change in life. I'm truly happy. I've taken time over the past seven months or so to really try and get to know myself and be happy, thank the heavens for therapy. This time I sought it out, I went for me and I couldn't have made a better decision. My outlook on life and perspective is slowly changing for the better and I can feel it. I want to enjoy life and I'm going to. My mind's made up and as the Chicks put it, I kind of like it. (wink, smile)

Secondly, The Album.
I kind of lost my focus over the past few months about the album. I drowned myself into it so much that when all these past realizations started coming to me, I lost my focus.

Then I remembered this writing of mine years ago when things were very dark and gloomy.

Why I ask?
This is really me,
Why I ask,
Is that all you see,
It’s noticed,
So Focus..
This is me world,
Understand this,
This is me world,
Stay Focused.

This is me world,
Understand one thing,
This is me world,
Yet I try to focus…
Run away they say,
As I turn around,
I find,
I’m still on the ground,
I will take time to focus…

And that's what I'm going to do now. I'm going to try and focus. Life is fun, I'm going to try my damdest to enjoy it while I'm here.

(I'm also going to try and write more.....it's great therapy.)

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